
Click on pictures to enlarge. 

664362_10152139898664353_8493243736761701701_oPerforming at the Brighton Festival Fringe, May 2014. Photo by Perkin Bretagne.


Performing at The Marlborough Little Theatre, December 2013. Photo by Peter Kalen.


The West Indian history and Notting Hill Carnival section — including Nostalgia Steel Band — of the 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony (sadly not shown in the BBC’s coverage) can be seen here in the bottom left hand corner of the track, July 2012.

Rachel Haywood, who will be marching in the Olympic opening ceremony with the Euphoria Steel Band gets her drum autographed by Gold Medallist Steve Ovett. Tuesday 24th July 2012 photo©Julia Claxton

“Rachel Hayward, who will be marching in the Olympic Opening Ceremony with Nostalgia Steel Band gets her drum autographed by Gold Medallist Steve Ovett”. Tuesday 24th July 2012. Photo©Julia Claxton

World class steel band player Rachel Hayward of Brighton is launching her new cd Rachel 553943 Reporter- none“World class steel band player Rachel Hayward of Brighton is launching her new CD”. Brighton Argus 2008. Photo by Terry Applin.